Inktober-Day 22 and 23

inktober-22 inktober-23

Here are this weekend’s Inktober drawings.  Two different subjects with two different feels.  I did not plan for it but there is a Beauty and the Beast feel.


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#ink #drawing #inktober #art #inktober2016 #horror #monsters #illustration #frankenstein #sonoffrankenstein #vampire #monsters #Halloween #universalstudios #universalmonsters #retro #pinup #bikini

Inktober-Day 1


Alright, it is day 1 of the Inktober month of ink drawing that is happening on the internet.  I had heard of this project from the videos that artist, Jake Parker has on YouTube(which I highly recommend subscribing to).  But, I have never participated in it before.  I do love drawing with ink and using ink in washes for my drawings.  This seems like as good a time as ever to jump in.  I feel like I need to do something like this after the 30 days of painting last month.  Now I have the problem of figuring out what I will be drawing this month.  One thing I knew I wanted to do was draw skulls.  That will probably be a main element in a bunch of this month’s pieces.  With October being known for being a spooky month, I should throw in a bunch of monsters.  I would also like to continue some of the pin-up style females that I thought came out well last month.  Which leads us to today’s drawing.

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#ink #drawing #retro #pinup #female #skull #inktober #art



Emerald- Day 24- 30 Paintings in 30 Days

5"x7" ink and watercolor painting on illustration board
5″x7″ ink and watercolor painting on illustration board

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Twitter- @jamesr_art


For more on the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge check out-


Bettie Page- Day 20- 30 Paintings in 30 Days

5x7" ink and watercolor paint on illustration board
5×7″ ink and watercolor paint on illustration board

Twenty down and ten to go!

Today we have a painting of the pin up queen, Bettie Page.

Please join me on Facebook-

Twitter- @jamesr_art


For more on the 30 Paintings in 30 Days challenge check out-

#pinupart #bettiepage #30paintingsin30days
