Figure Drawing Fridays-Week 1

Figure 5_27bFigure 5_27a

decided to start a new theme for Friday and that is Figure Drawing Fridays. The goal will be to draw a male and female each week. Any style or media goes. Last night I worked on these two with ink and markers.  As I started to prepare to draw, I decided to look at some books of two artists I really admire, Frank Cho and Adam Hughes.  They are both known for their comic book artwork and for their skills at drawing the female form.  And that put me in the kind of head space I wanted to try for this week’s figures.  I am very inspired by Adam’s use of markers and that is what had me reaching for my markers for these two pieces.
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Spider-Man’s Kiss

Spider-Man's Kiss
Spider-Man’s Kiss

Here is a little 5″x7″ gouache painting that I did last night.  I felt like doing a little study of this scene from the first Spider-Man movie for this Month of Love.  It’s been a while since I’ve done a completely gouache paint painting and I figured I would give it a shot.  I also tried to give the under drawing a loose feeling by not using my normal mechanical pencils.

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#spiderman #spider-man #marvel #marvelmovies #love #tobeymaguire #kirstendunst


Emerald- Day 24- 30 Paintings in 30 Days

5"x7" ink and watercolor painting on illustration board
5″x7″ ink and watercolor painting on illustration board

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Indiana Jones- Day 21- 30 Paintings in 30 Days

5"x7" ink and watercolor paint on illustration board
5″x7″ ink and watercolor paint on illustration board

Alright, we are cruising on down the road to the finish line of the 30 paintings in 30 Days challenge.  I started the challenge with maybe 6 paintings started or finished and I thought that I would have no problem staying ahead.  Well, at day 21 I’m starting to struggle with keeping up.  All of these pictures this month have taken 2 or more days to complete and I didn’t really expect that.  These last 9 days may turn out a bit stressful.  Today we have one of my very favorite characters, Indiana Jones.  This is from the opening scene of Raiders of the Lost Ark.

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#harrisonford #indianajones #raidersofthelostark #fanart #classicmovies


Bettie Page- Day 20- 30 Paintings in 30 Days

5x7" ink and watercolor paint on illustration board
5×7″ ink and watercolor paint on illustration board

Twenty down and ten to go!

Today we have a painting of the pin up queen, Bettie Page.

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#pinupart #bettiepage #30paintingsin30days


Hiding in the Shadows- Day 17- 30 Paintings in 30 Days

6"x6" ink and watercolor on illustration board
6″x6″ ink and watercolor on illustration board

Today we delve back to the film noir subject matter.  I do love those large and deep shadows.

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Vincent Price- Day 16- 30 Paintings in 30 Days

6"x6" ink, acrylic ink and watercolor paint on illustration board
6″x6″ ink, acrylic ink and watercolor paint on illustration board

Today’s painting is of my favorite horror actor, Vincent Price.  I think what I like most about him is that he can flip the switch from a normal, kind man to someone who is just out for blood and it is very believable.  His career was long with tons of movies that he stared in.  Some of my favorites are the Edgar Allan Poe films that he did with director Roger Corman.  Another favorite of mine is, House on Haunted Hill.


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The Joker- Day 15- 30 Paintings in 30 Days

6"x6" ink and watercolor paint on illustration board
6″x6″ ink and watercolor paint on illustration board

   Here is a little smile for making it halfway through the 30 paintings in 30 days.

Here is one version of the Clown Prince of Crime, the Joker, as portrayed by Heath Ledger in the Dark Knight.  Not only is the look very disturbing but his performance was one of the best ever.  Ledger certainly stole the movie with his portrayal.  But, a part of me certainly misses the funnier version of the Joker.  Like Cesar Romero in the Batman 1960’s television show or how he was in the comics in the 70’s.  Once the 1980’s came around the comics changed him from a guy trying to steal money and small crimes to beating Robin to death with a baseball bat.  Goodbye to the classic version of the Joker.  Don’t get me wrong, the comics have done some great stuff with him but they have certainly pushed him into some very uncomfortable places for us to witness.  And the Dark Knight movie definitely showcased that newer version of the character.

This day’s painting also gave me a chance to work more with ink pens and do more of a comic book art style.  That is more like the style that I’m more comfortable with.  I really enjoy painting but I don’t feel comfortable with it.  Which is the perfect reason to keep on with it.  And keep on I shall…

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Edward Scissorhands- Day 14- 30 Paintings in 30 Days

6"x6" ink and watercolor paint on illustration board
6″x6″ ink and watercolor paint on illustration board

Day 14 is brought to us by the wonderful film from director Tim Burton, Edward Scissorhands.  For this painting I went back to some of my favorite mediums, ink and watercolor paint.  I feel most comfortable using ink in liquid form or markers/pens.  I’ve been staying away from it for most of this challenge because I was thinking that people would rather see more “fine art” painting style.  And ink, to me, is more of an illustration medium.  This challenge might not be making me a noticeably better artist but it is seriously making me doubt my ideas about what and where I should be going with my art and technique.

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