Pixar Bound-Finding Nemo, Day 3

Nemo notes 14 Nemo notes 15 Nemo notes 16 Nemo notes 17 Nemo notes 18 Nemo notes 19

Two more days until the new Pixar movie, Finding Dory comes out, and we have one more day of character design studies of Finding Nemo to go after this batch.  My personal favorite out of this group is this last one of this tough looking fish by artist Peter de Seve.

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Pixar Bound- Finding Nemo, Day 2

Nemo notes 8 Nemo notes 9 Nemo notes 10 Nemo notes 11 Nemo notes 12 Nemo notes 13

Here are the next round of character design studies I did from the Art of Finding Nemo book.  Included are some of the designs from some amazing artists that worked on this film like, Peter de Seve, Carter Goodrich and Ricky Nierva.  After doing these studies I picked up a book of Peter de Seve’s art book, A Sketchy Past.  And that book is filled with great artwork too.

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Pixar Bound-Finding Nemo, Day 1

Nemo notes 1

Today’s post is the start of a new series of posts for this blog.  The main theme is about Pixar.  My goal is to work at Pixar and that is the reason I have been pushing myself to do more artwork and post more online.  I am a huge fan of of the Pixar way of creating movies, where story is the main thing that drives each project.  They don’t focus on what’s bankable or what is going to sell the most toys.  They want to tell great stories.  I love that about them.  And I want to be a part of that process.  I want to be able to help work on projects that millions will see and connect with and that will stand the test of time.  Imagine what it would be like for the people who worked on the original Snow White.  Working so many hours, not knowing if the movie would be completed, if the budget would fall apart, or if anyone would even want to see a feature length animated movie.  And for it to come out and be an amazing work of art that still resonates today.  That’s what I want to be a part of.  I feel like Pixar is the place that is trying to do that same thing.

With Finding Dory coming out this week, I’m posting some pages of notes I did from the Art of Finding Nemo book.  From interviews I have read or listened to from employees at Pixar, one constant is that they say to look at their art of books and see what they look for.  So, I’ve stocked up my book shelves with these books and Finding Nemo is the first one I went in depth on.  As I read the book I was sketching the drawings in it, along with any quotes that appealed to me in a small sketch book.  Here is a batch of some of these pages.

Nemo notes 7 Nemo notes 6 Nemo notes 5 Nemo notes 4 Nemo notes 3 Nemo notes 2

Next to each design drawing I tried to put the name of the person who did the original drawing.  I will be going more into some of the character designers that worked on the film, especially the ones who’s work really appeals to me, in later posts.

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The Haunted Mansion’s Singing Busts

Singing Busts

As we near our time in the Haunted Mansion(for now), we make our way past some crypts and hear some familiar music being sung by these 5 characters.  Probably the most iconic of the characters in the graveyard scene, these characters are still to this day a great looking effect.

Singing Busts original

This is the original drawing in ink and marker before the color job in Photoshop.

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Haunted Mansion’s Cemetery Caretaker


This is one job that most of us would not want!  He is the originally named, Caretaker.  We run into these two just after escaping the attic of the Haunted Mansion, right before we make our way into the cemetery,  They are like the Shaggy and Scooby Do of the Mansion.

Caretaker ink

This is the original drawing in ink and marker before the color job in Photoshop.

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Organist of the Haunted Mansion

Phantom Organist

Today’s foray into the Haunted Mansion brings to the end of The Ballroom where we get to see a room filled with dancers and a huge dining table where a birthday party is taking place.  The music for the party is being played for us by this ghostly character.  And, as he plays, skulls fly out of the pipes of the organ.  But, this is not the end of our trip through the Haunted Mansion, we will be looking at the views from outside, in the cemetery.

This piece was done with ink and markers and colored in Photoshop.

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The Haunted Mansion’s Madame Leota

Leota color

“Madame Leota, the medium who was chanting the plaintive incantations, was quite unique. She was truly a disembodied spirit; a mere talking head inside a misty crystal ball. As she invoked the spirits, objects floated about the room in response to her supplications.”

  Madame Leota is our second piece of art for this week and she too is a resident of Disney’s Haunted Mansion.  This drawing was originally done in ink and markers and colored in Photoshop.  It was created for the video of a Haunted Mansion collectable unboxing video series:

Serpents, and spiders; tail of a rat; call in the spirits, wherever they’re at!  Rap on a table, it’s time to respond; send us a message, from somewhere beyond!  Goblins and ghoulies, from last Halloween, awaken the spirits with your tambourines!   Creepies, and crawlies; toads in a pond; let there be music from regions beyond!  Wizards and witches, wherever you dwell, give us a hint, by ringing a bell!

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Enter, If You Dare..

The Mansion color

“Have you ever seen a haunted house? You know the kind I mean. That old, dark house that’s usually at the end of a dimly lit street. The owners haven’t been seen for years; no one really knows why. The windows are broken and boarded, and the shutters hang loose on their hinges. The trees have grown wild; their branches brush against the sides of the weathering house, making strange noises in the night. There’s a high, vine-covered fence around the property… is it there to keep somebody out? Or is it there to keep some… THING inside? It’s a house that people avoid walking past at night. Strange sounds come from within the walls, and it’s said that eerie lights have been seen both in the attic windows, and in the graveyard at the side of the house.”

That is a description of the eerie mansion that is the home of 999 happy haunts, as described on the record, The Story and Song of the Haunted Mansion.  And anyone who has made a trip to visit this Mansion at night would probably agree with the description.  This is the view you get as you enter the queue and pass the horseless hearse, snaking in front of the mansion as you are on your way to the porch and into the Mansion.

The  drawing was completed with ink and markers and colored in Photoshop.

The Mansion

Here is the original non colored version.

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